Lead Teams? You Drive Your Team’s Engagement

70% of the variance in employee engagement is based on the employee’s manager, according to the extensive research conducted by Gallup. Its research also indicates that 50% of us will quit a job at some point in life to escape from our boss. And, of course, we’ve all heard the adage, “People don’t quit jobs; they quit people.” Before you grab your torches and pitchforks and demand managers “do better,” I challenge you to consider the reality that they are employees, too – they work for someone. And depending on where they are in the organization, their boss may work for someone who works for someone…and this could go on.

My point is this. For employees to do better, their managers need to do better, which means the attention should turn to those whose actions have the biggest influence on their organization’s culture. Help them be at their best to help their team be at its best! It starts at the top.

Let’s talk more about how we can begin your journey to understand and leverage your strengths! Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation conversation with me at calendly.com/journeystrong.


Why Hire a Square Peg for a Round Hole?